You Benefit from Our Commitment to Training

Binkelman graphics with words describing their culture- integrity, fun, dependable, winning team, and safeThere’s nothing worse than calling a company for service or support and gettin’ a dumb guy on the line.

Except maybe when a mule kicks ya’ in the teeth.

They’re both pretty painful, really, so we’ll just call it a tie.

At Binkelman, though, members of our customer service group train regularly so they can stay on top of the topics that are important to you.

Shelby Wolford is our Customer Service Manager. “We train our team on a wide range of products for the mining, agriculture and energy industries, plus automotive, glass and steel manufacturing. That training comes from product experts from our top suppliers. They provide a general overview of a topic, and then get more advanced as the year progresses.”

We’ve held on-site training at each of the three Binkelman locations, as well as virtual sessions. “We want our CSRs to have as much information as possible in order to best serve our customers, so we find ways to make it happen,” said Shelby. “The more direct knowledge we have from our manufacturing partners, the quicker we can exceed our customers’ expectations.”

And that’s better than a kick in the teeth any day.