Life is Unbearable Without PPI Retro Rolls

3 ppi retro rolls in orange, blue, and red

Headaches and car crashes and explosive diarrhea can all make for a bad day. Throw in a tussle with the mother-in-law and you may feel like jumpin’ off a bridge.

But PPI Retro Rolls give you the strength to get through life’s rough patches. That’s because you can use proven PPI Idler Rolls in any manufacturer’s frames. How ‘bout that for flexibility? You’ll also enjoy PPI’s famous durability and low maintenance, all without the need to replace existing frames.

Is that better than a sack of hot dogs or what? But wait! There’s more.

Just look at PPI Retro Rolls’ terrific features:

  • The heavy-duty ball bearings are sealed for life, so they’re maintenance free.
  • The Low Total Indicator Run-out means good balance and lower horsepower usage.
  • The proven seal system ensures a long, trouble-free service life, even in punishing conditions.

And if you’re the kind of guy, gal or gaseous vapor that won’t settle for a one-size-fits-all solution, get a load of these options:

  • They’re available for all major idler brands and in all standard CEMA classes.
  • Choose from different engineered shaft and bearing combinations.
  • Quarter-inch wall tubing, lagging and Poly Sleeve are all available.
  • Choose slotted shaft ends or adjustable adapter nuts.

Your Binkelman Account Rep will be as happy as all-get-out to tell you more. Contact him today.