Common Conveyor Belt Problems and Solutions

Conveyor belt problems are like bad cheese: they stink and they can really clog up your system.

But the experts on Binkelman’s Conveyor Maintenance team can help you through all sorts of trouble, including conveyor belt mistracking, blockages, material carryback, belt slipping, belt tears and splice separations. Comforting, right?

Tracking Issues

When your belt is out of alignment, you may notice that it’s running off at the head or tail pulley or that it’s pulling to one side of the conveyor. Mistracking can lead to several problems, from shortened service life due to uneven belt wear to shutting down the entire line.

Tracking issues are caused by:

  • Material build-up on idlers, pulleys or the belt itself.
  • Idlers or pulleys out-of-square with the belt’s center line.
  • An improperly cut belt splice or joint.
  • A crooked conveyor frame or structure.

Common Solutions

  • We can remove any build-up on the belt and provide a regular maintenance program.
  • We’ll adjust the idlers and/or the pulleys so they provide correct alignment/tension to the belt.
  • If the problem is a bad splice, we can re-splice that section of the belt.
  • We can check the frame and then straighten any areas that aren’t level or square.


A blockage is any obstruction that slows or stops a conveyor belt from efficiently moving products or materials from here to there. Blockages on a conveyor belt can damage the accumulating items and force a system shutdown.

Common Solutions

The Binkelman Conveyor Maintenance crew can prevent a conveyor belt problem like blockages by  inspecting your conveyors on a scheduled basis. We’ll keep it all movin’ for you.

Material Carryback

If some of the material on your conveyor belt is staying on your conveyor belt instead of completely discharging properly (or at the end of the conveyor), you’ve got a carryback issue. But you’re not alone. Carryback is one of the most common conveyor belt problems. It can lead to material waste, build-up under your line and idler, pulley and belt damage.

The problem can be caused by low-quality scrapers or scrapers that have been incorrectly installed.

Common Solutions

  • We recommend installing a high-quality cleaning system that includes primary and secondary scrapers. That investment can counteract the expense of lost material and the potential downtime caused by equipment failure.
  • Our team will make sure the scraper blades are tight to the belt to prevent material build-up.

Belt Slippage

Conveyor belts that aren’t properly tensioned can fail. When they’re either too loose or too tight, belts can slip, leading to pricey problems with the belt or motor.

Regular conveyor inspections can alert you to impending slippage and related damage. A few things to look for:

  • Sticking idlers.
  • Poor traction between the belt and pulley.
  • Excessive weight on the belt and pulleys
  • Worn lagging or poor installation of the head drive pulley.

Common Solutions

  • We can clear and lubricate the idlers and then follow up with regular maintenance.
  • Our experts can lag the drive pulley.
  • We’ll inspect your line regularly for build-up and worn heads.
  • Don’t exceed the weight limits of your belts and pulleys.

Belt Tears or Splice Separations

Improper splices, material build-up on pulleys and your material’s impact on the belt can all lead to rips, tears and splice separations in a conveyor belt, which can stop your operation in its tracks. But those problems can be prevented with regular inspections, the right types of splices and proper belt tensioning.

Common Solutions

  • Our team can re-splice any splice separations.
  • We can install impact idlers and improve the chute design to decrease your material’s impact.
  • We can remove any material build-up on the idlers and pulleys.

What Should I Do If My Conveyor Belt Gets Damaged?

Ideally, you’ll never need to worry about actual damage. Partnering with our team for regular inspections and maintenance can reduce the chances of that. But if you ever do need emergency repairs, you can count on Binkelman for a quick response. Since we specialize in conveyor operations, we know what’s at stake and we’re committed to your success.


The solutions to any conveyor belt problems you may be having are a phone call away. Your Binkelman Account Rep and our Conveyor Maintenance team will work together to ensure that you stay up and running.