Know the moment your hydraulic hose needs attention

Introducing Eaton’s LifeSense™ a patented hydraulic hose condition monitoring technology. LifeSense™ monitors the health of hydraulic hose assemblies. As the hose assembly approaches the end of its useful life, LifeSense™ detects events occurring within the hose that have been shown to lead to failure and notifies the designated individual that the hose needs to be replaced.  This notification is provided with enough time to replace the hose during planned maintenance prior to failure thus saving downtime, clean-up costs, environmental damage and potential injury.


  • Provides more than 50% more hose life
  • Increases reliability – detects and warns of impending failure
  • Safeguards workers
  • Reduces risk of collateral damage
  • Increases cost savings
  • Maximizes uptime – mitigates unexpected hose failures
  • Improves maintenance/operations efficiency – automates inspections, ongoing and real-time monitoring
  • Protects the environment – mitigates potential hazards

Sudden hose failure has been a major potential problem for fluid power applications since hydraulic hose was first introduced decades ago. Sudden failures can lead to safety issues, environmental concerns and downtime that in extreme cases, such as offshore oil rigs, have been estimated to cost as much as $500,000 a day.  Click to finish article featured in Design News magazine.

Learn more with video explaning this revolutionary technology.