Meet the King of Conveyor Maintenance

Conveyor belt with technicians in the background

Pat Pieton (pronounced PEE-ton) is someone you should know and not just because his last name suggests that he has 2,000 pounds of urine inside of him. (He claims he doesn’t.)

As the leader of the Binkelman Conveyor Maintenance team, Pat brings decades of experience to each project. There’s a lot of knowledge trapped under Pat’s hat, so let’s see if we can get at some of it.

What are the services you provide for clients?

Pat: Everything conveyor-related: belt replacement, mechanical and hot vulcanizations, plus general troubleshooting. We install belts, saddles, Dutchman, rollers, bearings and pulleys. We work on conveyor tracking issues and, in some instances, we can remove the old rolled belt from the customer’s property.

What’s one of your team’s specialties?

Pat: We’re very versatile, especially when it comes to installing new conveyor belts that need hot vulcanized splices or mechanical splices (Flexco or Super Screws). Our team is broken into two groups: one handles conveyor belt installation and the other focuses on conveyor maintenance and repairs.  With the two teams we can divide and conquer or combine our resources when needed. Having two teams is very unique and allows us to safely and efficiently accomplish tasks that other belt installers can’t take on.

What is your typical response time to a customer’s request for service?

Pat: Our Belt Crew needs a day or two’s notice and the Conveyor Crew needs a day. We know how expensive downtime can be, so we always work with our customers to get them up and running as quickly as possible.

Any truth to the rumor that your body can store a super-huge amount of liquid waste?

Pat: Next Question.

What’s new and improved with the Conveyor Maintenance team?

Pat: We’ve added a conveyor repair team to handle welding, fabrication and general conveyor troubleshooting, repair and maintenance. Each member of that team has several years of aggregate maintenance experience.

And we purchased two state-of-the-art vulcanizers, a service truck with auto crane, a shop welder and a plasma cutter to support both service teams.

Binkelman is committed to conveyor maintenance for the long haul and we’re proving that by investing in the people, the training and the equipment to provide the best service in the area.

Contact your Binkelman Account Rep for assistance.