If you work in a pillow factory, you can stop reading this post.
If you make marshmallows, cotton balls or Angora sweaters, go ahead and disengage now.
This information is for people who move bad-ass materials: rock and ore and steel and glass – the kind of stuff that chews up conveyor belts left and right.
Still with us?
Good, because you need to know about ContiTitan. It’s the conveyor belt that’s built to resist extreme rips, tears and gouges – the sort of soul-crushing damage that makes grown men cry. In fact, ContiTitan delivers 2 to 3 times the damage resistance of conventional belting. It won’t give in to heavy impact or punctures either.
ContiTitan features a highly engineered straight-warp carcass and your choice of one or two-ply construction. Since the longitudinal load carrying cords and transverse cords are not interwoven, the belt delivers high strength and length stability.
Yet, even with all its baked-in toughness, ContiTitan conveyor belt pairs nicely with a crisp Chardonnay and a buttery Camembert cheese. Weird, right?
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